
The Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing a range of benefits for small businesses. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of cloud computing, including cost savings, flexibility, and scalability. We will also discuss the various types of cloud computing services available and how to choose the right one for your business.

7 benefits of cloud computing for small businesses

Here are the benefits cloud computing offers small businesses.

1: Data security

Contrary to popular belief, using a cloud platform is a very secure method for storing your data and operating your business. While perhaps no one will take your security as seriously as you, intention and practical ability are two completely different things.

Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and other major corporations that deal in cloud technology, either through Software as a Service (SaaS) or Platform as a Service (Paas), have the resources to mitigate, detect, and eliminate cybersecurity threats better than most small businesses do. They are constantly researching new threats, developing new encryption solutions, and always monitoring for potential intrusions into their systems, which are all meant to keep your data safe and secure.

2: Remote access

Your email account is the perfect analogy for cloud computing. You can access your centralized email account from any computer if you have your login credentials and an internet connection. This convenience is what makes cloud computing so enticing for many businesses. Rather than leave work behind on a desktop computer or some local area network (LAN) server that isn’t connected to the internet, the cloud allows you and your employees to access your work from anywhere in the world.

This remote access leads to improved productivity and flexibility with your workspace. Chances are if you work in a white collar environment, you’re taking advantage of cloud computing while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cloud computing makes everyday business operations possible from anywhere, so you don’t have to worry about pandemics, floods, office fires, or giant tornadoes that wipe your office off the face of the map. So long as your data is stored in the cloud, it is accessible.

3: Little to no maintenance

Remember what I said about the security aspect of cloud computing? Well, part of that security requires regular maintenance of servers, software updates, and network management. Luckily, cloud computing takes all of that maintenance off your plate and leaves it in the hands of trained professionals.

You don’t have to worry about buying up-to-date equipment every three to four years because none of it is hosted by you. You don’t have to deal with any of that maintenance, which frees up additional time for your company to focus on the product or service it provides.

This is the peace of mind you need, especially if your company is just getting off the ground and you don’t have the manpower to deal with extensive equipment updates.

4: Reduced IT costs

While I wouldn’t recommend that you eschew an IT team altogether, the demands on that team are far lighter when you move most of your operations to the cloud.

As I mentioned before, there is far less maintenance involved with cloud computing since you won’t have any data servers or other typical physical IT needs (outside of your standard office networking needs).

This means you won’t need a large IT team, nor will they have to occupy their time dealing with the logistics, upkeep, and protection of onsite hosting and data storage.

5: Disaster recovery

Downtime is never good for a company. All it means is wasted money and lost productivity. Luckily, operating in the cloud will give you peace of mind when disaster strikes.

I mentioned before that no matter if your office burns to the ground or is swept away to Munchkin Land by a tornado, you’ll still have access to your data since all of it is stored remotely on third-party servers. Regardless of the disaster or setback, cloud applications will give your company a sense of resilience against the elements.

6: Collaboration and transparency

Remember the old days of sharing versions of a document over email and not knowing what was being changed and when? Remember when those processes would lead to duplications of effort since no one but the immediate user could view and edit those documents?

All of that is in the past thanks to cloud computing. Cloud computing improves team collaboration and transparency of work between teams. No matter if you’re dealing with sales strategy or lead management, cloud computing will give you the power to share this information with everyone on your teams in real time.

7: Scalability

Hosting your own data locally on your own servers is not only expensive and time-consuming, but it also takes up precious office space I bet is better served as additional desk space or even backup storage.

Not only that, but every time your operation grows, so must your locally hosted infrastructure with it, which only adds to the cost, hassle, and encroached space. This creates a scalability problem.

Cloud computing eliminates these challenges due to its simple scalability. The infrastructure is already built for you at some remote data center and you have only to negotiate more space with your third-party host.

No need to buy more equipment or plot out where you’ll put new servers and how to power it all. It’s as easy as clicking and growing.

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